A Christmas Wish: 2014 Deacons' Christmas Project
There are two ways you can make Christmas happier for others this year.
The Deacons and the Missions Committee have partnered to collect gifts for Christ's Home for Children in Paradise, PA and accept donations to help fight Ebola in Africa.
Choose an ornament from the Giving Tree in the Gathering Room, shop for that item, and bring it to the church so we can give it to a deserving child at Christ's Home for Children. Or, make a monetary donation in the collection box next to the Giving Tree to help the people in Sierra Leone suffering from the effects of the Ebola epidemic. Please make checks payable to CEFC and write "Deacon Christmas" on the memo line.
Fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone
Musa's Story
The Ebola epidemic has impacted the economy of Sierra Leone such that people who were literally living day to day are now threatened with starvation.
Musa is Rick Renninger's point man in Sierra Leone. With a small team of volunteers, Musa has been distributing rice and medication since August. He has been able to help people like a school teacher Rick met while there, whose income has dropped to zero because schools are closed.
Besides helping Christians in need, Musa has reached out to a blind community, a village of Liberian refugees, people in remote villages, and a village of war-wounded people, many of whom have lost one or more limbs in Sierra Leone's brutal civil war between 1991 and 2002. Since Ebola victims' families are ostracized, Musa has also reached out to them in rice distribution.
We are seeing in this initiative not only an opportunity to love our neighbor, but to display the love of Christ, and it is not going unnoticed. A new church has already been planted, and the seed sown in preparation for a harvest that has already begun.
Please donate generously to purchase rise for Musa's people. Thank you.
Christ's Home for Children
Children are placed with Christ's Home for Children through county children and youth agencies primarily due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Children from birth to eighteen years of age receive services to address their medical, educational, emotional, spiritual, and social needs.
The mission of Christ's Home for Children is to serve needy or neglected children and youth by providing a stable, caring home built upon Biblical principles while meeting their educational, medical, emotional, and social needs.
e are committed to quality programming and services that exceed community standards while providing exceptional value.
We accept the authority of the Bible translated into action to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social needs of those we serve.
We strive to fulfill the command of Jesus, "Love your neighbor as yourself," as an integral part of our daily ministry.
Visit our website at www.christshome.org.