Looking for a way to serve right now?  We always have need for people to help out in a wide variety of ways.  Here are a few that we need right now.

Sound and Projection

Our sound and projection teams are looking for new members. This critical role often goes unnoticed, but all of our worship includes it. Please consider your possible service with either team.


Ushers are needed. Can you help? Ask an usher for more information!


Be an outside door attendant and assist as needed with stairs, wheelchairs and parking.


Greeters are needed. Can you help? Call the office at 610.286.6790 for more information!

Children's Ministry

Volunteers are greatly appreciated, and opportunities exist with infants, 2-year-olds, and PreK & Children’s Worship, particularly during the worship hour. 

Important information regarding Children's & Youth Ministry security clearances

Brick Lane, in accordance with Pennsylvania law, requires volunteers who work with children and/or youth to obtain the following background clearances, to be repeated every 5 years. Below you will find the required links, some requiring you to create an account. Once reports are generated, having the accounts allows you continued access to them as needed. Please make sure that Brick Lane has a hard copy of each report or certificate: Deliver to Kathy Eberly either personally, by mail, or place in her church mailbox.  You can also email a copy that we can print at church. Thank you! Your ministry to our young people is greatly appreciated.

Click HERE for Criminal Background Check (Pennsylvania).

Click HERE for Child Abuse History Check (Pennsylvania)  This one requires creating an account, and logging in & out a bit in the process. Keep your login information in a safe place, because you will likely need to get back into the account in the future.

This next step, FBI Background Check & Fingerprinting, is only required for those who have not resided in Pennsylvania consistently for the past 10 years.  There is a fee for this background report, and you can be reimbursed by the church. You will have to visit an approved fingerprint vendor.  See list HERE.

Copy this code: 1KG6ZJ
Paste it into the appropriate box on this PAGE to start the registration process.

Click HERE for training in recognizing and reporting suspected child abuse (also referred to as Mandated Reporter Training) The new PA law declares anyone who works regularly with children to be a Mandated Reporter. This will take about 3 hours to complete, but can be stopped and started without losing your progress. Please bring certificate of completion to Kathy Eberly. Completion is not required in order to begin serving, but must be completed as soon as you can manage.  Thank you!