9/24/2023 Worship Service & Sermon: Offering up Isaac - Hebrews 11:17-19

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9/24/2023 Worship Service and Sermon from Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA.

Worship Leader: Dawson Estes
Speaker: Steve Estes
Scripture: Hebrews 11:17-19
Title: Offering Up Isaac

By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, even though God had said to him, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned." Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back from death.


1. About human sacrifice
A. God hates human sacrifice
B. The near-sacrifice of Isaac pictures Jesus Christ being sacrificed on the cross

2. What made God's command hard? 3. Abraham thought it through
A. "Is God erratic or am I finite?"
B. Abraham's faith-based reasoning

4. Faith is what makes obedience possible
A. Prompt obedience
B. Sustained obedience
C. Willing obedience

5. God testing your faith always has something glorious in mind

6. Applications
A. What hard thing has God asked of you?
B. Jesus says, "Take up your cross and follow Me"
C. God will show you the glory behind what He called you to either in this life or in Heaven

#Hebrews #faith